Midjourney Seed Parameter Explained

seed in midjourney

What Is A Seed In Midjourney?

When generating an image in Midjourney, it starts with a random number or seed to generate noise. This noise is sampled multiple times until it produces an image resembling the prompt.

Normally if you input the same prompt twice like below, you get varying results.

seed in midjourney
Prompt: German Shepherd sitting on an arm chair
seed usage in midjourney
Prompt: German Shepherd sitting on an arm chair

In the world of AI image generation, achieving reproducibility and consistency in your experiments is crucial. That’s where the --seed parameter in Midjourney comes into play. The --seed parameter allows you to set a specific seed value instead of a randomly generated seed, ensuring that your results are consistent and reproducible each time you run your prompt instead of randomly changing.

This is invaluable as it means you can start with the same seed and slightly change your prompt each time, allowing you to see what kind of an effect your changes are having.

For example, below is using the same seed but a slightly different prompt.

seed midjourney example
Prompt: german shepherd sitting on an arm chair –seed 123123 –v 5.2
german shepherd hat seed change midjourney
Prompt: german shepherd with a hat, sitting on an arm chair –seed 123123 –v 5.2

How To Use Seed In Midjourney

Using the seed parameter in Midjourney is easy and only takes a few extra keystrokes.

At the end of your prompt, simply add –seed #. In the # spot, add a number between 0 to 4,294,967,295. This number is the seed used to generate the initial image to be sampled.

For example, the prompt above has it at the end and uses the seed 123123, german shepherd sitting on an arm chair --seed 123123

Find The Seed For An Existing Image

What if you want to find the seed of a randomly generated image?

Midjourney makes it easy to find the seed, simply right-click on the message and react to the message in discord with the envelope emoji.

dog seed example midjourney

After a few seconds, a message will pop up with the information:

seed midjourney find

The End!

You’re now equipped to begin creating consistent images with Midjourney and better able to experiment with your prompts!

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