
surrealism midjourney prompt

What is Surrealism? Surrealism was a 20th-century art movement that emerged in the aftermath of World War I, primarily in Europe. It is characterized by a fascination with the irrational, the unconscious mind, and dreams.   Prompt Examples: Surrealism –v 5.2 Dog in the style of surrealism –v 5.2 Surrealism –niji 5  


suprematism midjourney prompt

What is Suprematism? Suprematism is an early twentieth-century art movement focused on the fundamentals of geometry, using only a limited range of colors. The term suprematism refers to abstract art based upon “the supremacy of pure artistic feeling” rather than on the visual depiction of objects.   Prompt Examples: Suprematism –v 5.2 Dog in the style … Read more


pointillism midjourney prompt

What is Pointillism? Pointillism, also called divisionism and chromo-luminarism, is the practice of applying small strokes or dots of color to a surface so that from a distance they visually blend together.    Prompt Examples: Pointillism–v 5.2   Dog in the style of Pointillism–v 5.2   Pointillism–niji 5    


orphism midjourney prompt

What is Orphism? Orphism was an abstract, cubist-influenced painting style developed by Robert and Sonia Delaunay around 1912. Patches of subtle and beautiful colors are brought together to create harmonious compositions.   Prompt Examples: Orphism –v 5.2   Dog in the style of Orphism –v 5.2   Orphism –niji 5    


expressionism midjourney

What is Expressionism?   Expressionism is a style of painting, music, or drama in which the artist or writer seeks to express emotional experience rather than impressions of the external world.   Prompt Examples: Expressionism –v 5.2 Cat in the style of expressionism –v 5.2 Expressionism –niji 5  

De Stijl

de stijl prompt

What is De Stijl? De Stijl, also known as Neoplasticism, was a Dutch art movement founded in 1917 in Leiden. The term De Stijl is used to refer to a body of work from 1917 to 1931 founded in the Netherlands and is an abstract movement that posited the fundamental principle of the geometry of the straight line, the square, and the … Read more


cubism midjourney prompt

What is Cubism? Cubism is an early-20th-century avant-garde art movement, where the subjects are analyzed, broken up, and reconstructed in an abstract form. Midjourney Prompt Examples: cubism –v 5.2 cubism cat –v 5.2 New York City in the style of cubism –v 5.2 cubism –niji 5